Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had Thanksgiving at my parent's house this year. It was a nice, quiet affair - good food and great company! It's hard to believe that it's the holiday season again. I've started putting up my Christmas decorations and it feels like I just took them down! But, I love Thanksgiving and Christmas time.
Lately I've been thinking of all the things I don't have or things I want to have and I need to be more thankful for the things I do have. So, here are some things I'm thankful for (in no particular order):
  • My wonderful, funny, loving, supportive, creative, smart, hard-working, handsome husband.
  • My family - all of them: parents, brother, sister, husband, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, mom and dad-in-law, sister-in-laws, brother-in-laws, nephews, nieces, etc. You are all so great - I LOVE YOU!
  • My membership in the church, and the knowledge and blessings it has brought to my life.
  • My health.
  • My job. I love going to work and that's such a blessing. I hope I'm a positive influence in the lives of my students, because they are in mine.
  • My cute little condo!
  • The country I live in and the freedoms I enjoy.
  • My friends, who I should probably keep in touch with better.
I'm a very blessed girl and I need to remember that!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tag! I'm IT!

Well, I've been tagged and now whether you're interested or not you get to find out 7 random things about me! Hopefully they're interesting facts - cause I don't think I'm very random!

  • When I was little (3-4 years old maybe) I was obsessed with Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. I wanted red shoes, had a poster of her in my room and I told people that Dorothy was my name! Not sure where it came from! I'm not that obsessed anymore but when I see the Wizard of Oz on TV I just have to watch it!
  • My mom has the most amazing green eyes I've ever seen and I've always wished that I had eyes the same color as hers. (Mine are green/brown/hazel but hers are GREEN!)
  • I don't think I'm a picky person as far as food goes - but this week I found out that I am! At SEPs (aka Parent Teacher Conferences) this week the PTA provided dinner for the teachers and staff one of the nights. They made sloppy joes - and I couldn't eat them! (There are 2 foods that I really hate: cooked broccoli and sloppy joes.) I had school lunch at lunch time and saved my home-made lunch for dinner so I wouldn't have to eat those terrible sandwiches!
  • I can never remember having a favorite color until I was in Junior High (I'm sure I had them, I just don't remember what they ever were). At the beginning of the school year my health teacher was going around the class asking students to say their name and favorite color (it helped her remember our names for some reason!). I decided to say yellow was my favorite color because it wasn't very popular with the other kids - and since that day yellow has been my color of choice!
  • I've always wished I could be a ballerina.
  • I have terrible eye sight. I found out last year that they're so bad corrective eye surgery can't give me 20/20 vision! I've had glasses since kindergarten and am trying to accept the fact that I will always have them!
  • I love to play solitaire on the computer - I find it relaxing and could do it for hours at a time!

So there are my random facts - now you're IT: Lori, Heather, Michelle, Alisa, Jeana, Terri

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Body Worlds

Mike and I went to the Body Worlds exhibit (The Story of the Heart) yesterday. I was so excited to go and wasn't disappointed! At first I felt like I was at Disneyland again - we waited in lines for almost an hour before we got into the exhibit! But it was incredible to see the things they've done with those bodies. Seeing all the veins in your body, your nerves, and the differences between healthy and sick bodies (cancer, strokes, artificial joints, effects of smoking and obesity, etc.). I've learned a lot about the body in my anatomy classes but seeing the body like that was very cool. I'm so grateful for my body and my good health. When I think about how complex our bodies are I'm in awe of Heavenly Father's knowledge, abilities, and power. I don't think I would ever be able to create something as wonderful as a human body. What an amazing gift for us to have! The more I learn about the body the more thankful I am for mine and the more dedicated I am to respect it and keep it healthy and strong.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We went up to Mollie and Travis' house for a little Halloween get-together on Halloween night. It was fun to see the kids (and adults!) in their costumes. I was a non-threatening witch and Mike was Cornelius (he said it was the guy from Fight Club). I think he got the name tag idea from The Office - I told him to be Jim Halpert (who he kinda looks like) but he wouldn't. We ate some yummy food and had a great time!

Jenni (witch), Melissa, Mia (giraffe), Steve (Bleeker from Juno)
Connor (a baseball player who's name I forgot), Devin (Elvis)

About Me

My photo
I grew up in good ol' Salt Lake City, UT. Mike and I got married in May 2003, and we've loved every minute of married life! I graduated from the U of U in May 2007 with my Master's Degree in Speech-Language Pathology and am working as an SLP for Granite School District at an elementary school in Kearns. We have a darling son, Jacob, who we love and can't imagine life without!