Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Well I have been terrible at the blog for the last year or so (I blame facebook)! Here is a quick update...I will try to be more on top of things in the future! Jake is now 12 months old...he is becoming more like a toddler every day...it is kind of sad, but also so much fun. I love seeing him learn new things. He is walking and talking (a lot of things are a car, or as he says "cah"). His current loves are: bananas ("nana"), puppies, bubbles ("bubah"), balloons ("noon"), balls, my dad (papa), and cars. Some of his skills include: telling animal sounds (lion, puppy, bee, horse, cow, snake); pointing to body parts (ears, mouth, belly button, toes, fingers, hair, other people's eyes); signing "more", "milk", and "all gone"; and telling/showing you how old he is ("none"). We think he is brilliant :) We took a little vacation to California in February. Jake went on his first plane trip and did very well. We went to Disneyland and San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park. We weren't sure how Jake would do in general, but once he got used to sleeping in the stroller and we figured out to take snacks with us in the lines :) everything was so much fun! Jake liked the carousel, it's a small world, and seeing balloons.
I love Jake's reaction to the birds!

We are still in the process of selling our townhouse...it seems like it has been forever. (I sometimes forget that we are even trying to move!) Hopefully by the end of summer we will be in a new house though.

My private practice has been growing like crazy!! I have decided not to go back to my school next school year so I can focus on by business and my family. I am a bit nervous about this change, but I am also very excited, a good thing I think...a new adventure for sure!


Talia Draper said...

Your little Jake is such a cutie! Sorry about the house situation. That totally sucks! However, I love having you as my nieghbor so I'm glad you're still here. :)

The Woolley's said...

Holy Cow, he's already one!! He is such a handsome little guy! Good luck with the house selling and your private practice! That is exciting it is doing so well.

Mary said...

He is getting so big! I'm glad the private practice is going well. Did you get some insurance companies to cover you? I've added you to my private practice list and suggested you to some families.. not sure if any of them have made it over there or not.

Maren said...

Yay, an update from Jenni! (One of these days I'll join facebook). Jake is so cute! I was wondering about your townhouse just the other day because I work right down the street. Maybe I'll start passing out real estate flyers to my students.:) That's awesome about your private practice!

Amanda said...

He is so adorable! And I agree with you guys, brilliant! My little guy doesn't have most of those skills yet! What great news about your private practice as well.

About Me

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I grew up in good ol' Salt Lake City, UT. Mike and I got married in May 2003, and we've loved every minute of married life! I graduated from the U of U in May 2007 with my Master's Degree in Speech-Language Pathology and am working as an SLP for Granite School District at an elementary school in Kearns. We have a darling son, Jacob, who we love and can't imagine life without!