Monday, August 23, 2010

Long time, no see!

Well, I have been slacking on the blog this summer! I guess because I've been having such a good time with Jake everyday! But, school started again today, so it's back to the grindstone! I'm working 2.5 days a week, which is just enough!

Jake is 5 months old now (pictures to come soon!) - he's a chatterbox, he's starting to sit on his own, rolling over occasionally, eating rice cereal, and just being totally cute! I can't believe how quickly he's changing and growing.

One other exciting thing in our family is that we have decided to put our townhome up for sale...we need more room!! Hopefully we'll get a good buyer soon so that we can find a great new place for us!


The Woolley's said...

I can't wait for pictures!! You know there is an empty lot across from really should look into it....hint hint! Good luck with selling!



MXB said...

Hey Jenni if you are interested in a Bach home like what the woolley's put. I have one already built that we are going to try and sell. =)
I can't believe how fast time flies with little babies, i bet Jake is a cutie!

About Me

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I grew up in good ol' Salt Lake City, UT. Mike and I got married in May 2003, and we've loved every minute of married life! I graduated from the U of U in May 2007 with my Master's Degree in Speech-Language Pathology and am working as an SLP for Granite School District at an elementary school in Kearns. We have a darling son, Jacob, who we love and can't imagine life without!