Friday, May 8, 2009


Today is our 6th anniversary! It's hard to believe it's been 6 years...and at the same time it's hart to remember a time when we weren't married. Like any couple, we've had difficult times, but those times have been few and far between. I think we have been so blessed and so fortunate in all the things we've done the last 6 years. I'm so glad to be able to share my life with my best friend. Even though he never reads my blog, I want Mike to know how much I love him and how thankful I am to be married to him. Here's to more exciting and fun years together!


Steve.Jeana.Preston said...

Happy Anniversary!!! How fun!

Aubrey Doyle said...

Ya for 6 years! I love your wedding photo!

ash said...

Congrats Jen!!

ash said...

okay so i just clicked on the geneaology link and you guys are awesome!! I was excited to see everything. your mom said that you guys had some names you were working on at the temple. If you guys need any help I would LOVE to do some work!
Have a great day!!

About Me

My photo
I grew up in good ol' Salt Lake City, UT. Mike and I got married in May 2003, and we've loved every minute of married life! I graduated from the U of U in May 2007 with my Master's Degree in Speech-Language Pathology and am working as an SLP for Granite School District at an elementary school in Kearns. We have a darling son, Jacob, who we love and can't imagine life without!