Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Muffins & MDs

Some of you have been curious about how my business is doing - so here's an update:
  • I got my first box of business cards last week, that was exciting! Maybe I'll hand them out to 500 people and will need to order more - probably not for awhile though!
  • So far 57 people have looked at my website - and no, it wasn't all ME!
  • The big event: 7am this last Monday morning - I went to Copperview Medical Center and did a "Provider Presentation" to a group of Doctors in the hopes of getting referrals. I took them muffins (hence the title) but they didn't think I was bringing anything so they had someone else bring bagels!! My Uncle Dave is an administrator there so he's helped me out a TON. It went well, and now I'm just crossing my fingers that they'll send someone to me!
  • I'm trying to figure out how to become provider on medical insurances and it's a pain in the butt.
So, there ya go. Things are going, slowly but surely. I've got a few ideas of ways to find other clients, and I have more than enough to do about the insurance business. I'm excited to see what happens next and I'm so thankful for all the help and support I've had so far.


Janene said...

You should send me some of your business cards. I get asked all the time about private speech therapy. Let me know if you need my address.

Alisa said...

Wow you are off to a great start! Keep up the hard work and it will pay off! I have mentioned your name to a few people I know so maybe one of them has checked out your website:)

Steve.Jeana.Preston said...

I had no idea you were starting your own practice! You are amazing!! I will tell everyone I know!

I love the pics of the cruise. It looks like you guys had such a fun time! Lucky ducks!

About Me

My photo
I grew up in good ol' Salt Lake City, UT. Mike and I got married in May 2003, and we've loved every minute of married life! I graduated from the U of U in May 2007 with my Master's Degree in Speech-Language Pathology and am working as an SLP for Granite School District at an elementary school in Kearns. We have a darling son, Jacob, who we love and can't imagine life without!