Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Flight of the Conchords

I've been meaning to tell you about one of my new favorite shows - Flight of the Conchords. One of Mike's co-workers gave us the season 1 DVDs to watch and now we are addicted. It's in its second season on HBO and is hilarious!!

It's about 2 musicians from New Zealand who've moved to New York to try and become famous. They have one slight problem: they're not very good!
You're probably thinking, "HBO?" (Which is exactly what I thought when I heard about it) It does occasionally swear (but it only seems to be by their American friend) and talk about sex - so if you don't like those things don't watch the show. In my opinion, it's not too bad and I recommend it!
If you like any of the following shows: The Office, Simpsons, Napoleon Dynamite, or Anchorman you share in my sense of humor and you should watch Flight of the Conchords!
P.S. there are 3 of their songs on my playlist (The Most Beautiful Girl, Albi, and Sugarlumps) if you want to take a listen and get a taste...but for the full effect you must watch an episode!


Alisa said...

Aren't these guys freaking hilarious! I've watched them a little bit on YouTube - but now that I know they have DVD's I'm gonna have to get those. Nothing like a good, gut-renching laugh to relieve stress!

Aaron and Heather said...

We love this show too! I think we have most of the episodes memorized because we have watched it so many times! Matt loves it too, in fact they are coming to Salt Lake in May and I think that Matt is going to see them.

About Me

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I grew up in good ol' Salt Lake City, UT. Mike and I got married in May 2003, and we've loved every minute of married life! I graduated from the U of U in May 2007 with my Master's Degree in Speech-Language Pathology and am working as an SLP for Granite School District at an elementary school in Kearns. We have a darling son, Jacob, who we love and can't imagine life without!